Introducing Myself

I am always interested in collaborating, exchanging thoughts and ideas, and discussing topics related to contemporary Japanese migration policy, the field of migration in general, or Japanese politics and society. 
Good day, and thanks for stopping by my website. My name is Maximilien Xavier Rehm, and I am a German-Canadian based in Kyoto, Japan. Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Global Studies at Doshisha University, where my research focus lies on migration policy. Specifically, I am analyzing Japan’s immigration control policy with regards to low- and medium-skilled laborers from the 1980s to the present. Within this context, I am analyzing the policymaking process that led to the current immigration regime through utilizing an historical institutionalist approach. My research has led to numerous publications, which can be found on this website.   

In addition to the research activities for my dissertation, I am also actively involved in contributing to academic exchange on campus through my work at the Research Center for Human Dignity as well as gaining teaching experience as a TA. 

Feel free to contact me through this website, or via the Social Media links at the top of the page. 

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